Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mandela a world citizen!!!

From Vancouver.

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in Qunu, South Africa. Because of his ideas we can consider him a world citizen. Since the beginning of his life he fought for a better South Africa with equal rights for everybody, black and white.

He came from a poor family of four children (him and three sisters) and since his youth he had to work to help them. He married three times during his life. He was against apartheid, a kind of discrimination in his country; where black and white have different rights. They couldn’t study in the same schools or walk in the same places and so on.

During his life he joined the African National Congress (ANC) being Youth League Secretary in 1947, Deputy Head of ANC in 1952 and also President of the ANC in 1991. The goal of the ANC was to end the unjust system of apartheid. Because of that fight, the ANC was outlawed in 1960 and Mandela was put in jail for a life term, but after 27 years he was released on February 27, 1990.

All these efforts to change the racial relations of his country earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. After that, he was elected President of South Africa (1994-1999) the first democratic president of his country.

Now he’s retired and raising money for children’s charities and his example of equality is followed around the world.


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