Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bullies, the change must begin at home!!

Giovanni Moreira - From Vancouver, CA

I think bullies are enrolled in all schools in the world and teachers must be preparead to deal with them. In some cases, I think their behavior is due to their relationships at home. Some parents don't give them the attention they need or give them material stuff instead of love or a pep talk to show how life is great.
At school they are agresssive with their classmates and with their teachers too. They skip classes and everything else.
So teachers sometimes are not only teachers, but fathers, mothers and friends giving students affection that should be given by their parents.


At June 5, 2008 at 10:20 AM , Blogger Ana Lidia said...

I totally agree with you. Parents should give more attention to their childrens, they should remember that work is important, but family is most important.

At June 12, 2008 at 3:09 PM , Blogger Naomi said...

Very good points, Giovanni. It is unfortunate that not all parents have the skills to raise their children properly. I wish that more children had good teachers who would take care of them when their parents can't.


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